Wednesday 20 July 2011

My seal has withered...

I went to Cardiff International Pool for a lunchtime swim rather than an evening swim today because I was working from home. At last they've started to enforce the changing area barefoot policy. Up until recently, all they'd had was a polite notice asking that shoes be removed; some of us adhered to this and others ignored it. I'd even seen one member of staff wheel his bike through the changing area. Today there was someone sat by the entrance asking people to remove their outdoor shoes. Perhaps it's dawned on them that it's a pointless policy until everyone does it.

Today should've been a running day but following Sunday's twinge, further aggravated by my run on Monday night, I decided to opt for a gentler form of exercise in the hope that I'll be back up to speed in time for a run on Friday. Whilst swimming is a great form of exercise, it doesn't give you that exhilarating lift and afterglow that you get with running. Fingers crossed for Friday...

The pool was relatively quiet and I shared a lane with a guy who was having none of this clockwise or anti-clockwise rubbish; no, he was straight up and down on one side of the lane. Up on his right and back down on his left. I just fitted in alongside; up on my left and back down on my right. The only problem with this set up is that you're limited to 2 people per lane. I didn't complain...!

The other thing to note from today's swim was that the right eye of my goggles kept filling with water. This sometimes happens when I first put them on but a bit of re-adjustment usually sorts the issue. Try as I might today, it just kept letting in water. Perhaps the seal has withered. It's annoying in the extreme and I'm not sure if you've ever seen someone rant and swear underwater but if you'd been there today, you would have. Having one eye piece filled with water makes navigating a straight line almost impossible. Mr Straight Up & Down must've thought I was drunk as I repeatedly strayed into his side of the lane.

I must've looked like a subaqua Father Jack.

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