Thursday 28 July 2011

Green with envy...

I'm going a little stir crazy with this enforced rest whilst my hip gets better. I've not run now since last Friday. Instead, I've been swimming and also gently exercising my hip every morning in the hope that I can build up strength there and also keep it flexible.

Tomorrow night I will go for an introductory short run to test if I can resume running or whether the soreness returns. If the soreness returns then I will have to see the physio for help in getting me back running.

One of the seven deadly sins, envy is also a capital vice and a cardinal sin. In addition to this, it is one of the sins of the flesh because it corrupts the body. For some further delicious corruption, listen here to Ute Lemper in Weill and Brecht's magnificent Seven Deadly Sins (IV - Avarice/Envy/Epilogue). Envy is closely related to both jealousy and schadenfreude.

And, much to my shame, tonight I was guilty of it. Whilst cycling home from work, I spotted two guys running toward me and I was envious of them. I so wanted to run like them; I was jealous that they could run and I could not. I resented this.

In Dante's Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low.

Just as well I'm a big Radio 4 fan...

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