Tuesday 24 April 2012

You are what you eat...

As I got into the pool for my swim tonight the warm fumes of belched pasty and chlorine wafted over me. I could see the culprit; he'd just turned and done a little kick to begin his next lap. The exertion must have forced a burp out which had perculated through the water to the surface. I felt sick. Who eats a pasty before going for a swim?

According to many reports, we are beginning to wake up to the benefits of eating a healthy diet. Open any magazine or newspaper and you won't have to look too far for that article on healthy eating. Those of us that care about these things try to avoid too much processed food and we watch the fat, salt and sugar levels in the foods we eat.

However... There are a group of Cardiff school kids that get on the same bus as me in the mornings that have successfully managed to avoid all literature on healthy eating. The stink of barbecue, beef and onion, smokey bacon and prawn cocktail flavour crisps on the bus is overpowering. A packet of Walkers seems to be the preferred breakfast of choice round our way.

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