Friday 11 November 2011

That Friday feeling...

Friday. Once the 6th and now (since 1971 in the UK) the 5th day of the week, Friday has many associations. It was the day on which Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and also the day on which they died. For Muslims it is the Sabbath and the day on which they believe Adam was created.

In Norse mythology it was thought to be a lucky day whilst in Christianity it is considered the unluckiest - Christ having been crucified on this day. It is a day of abstinence in the Catholic week; they abstain from meat and traditionally eat fish on a Friday instead.

It is believed to be a bad day for ships to put to sea although it is the day that Columbus set sail for the Americas and also the day on which he first sighted land. Friday is considered particularly unlucky if it falls on the 13th day of the month, although, since adoption of the Gregorian Calendar, the 13th of the month is statistically more likely to fall on a Friday than any other day.

In offices up and down the country it has become a dress down day and an early finish day; an extension to the weekend for those lucky enough to get off early. It is often called POETS Day by many workers, meaning: Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday.

It used to be known as Hanging Day after the numerous executions which took place on this day and in modern times it is the most common day on which to be born; obstetricians would prefer to induce labour on Friday rather than have their golfing weekends interrupted by one of their patients giving birth.
Monday morning feels so bad,
Everybody seems to nag me
Coming Tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don't go,
Thursday goes too slow,
I've got Friday on my mind - The Easybeats
It is said that, "He who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday." Now, how many times has that happened to me, eh...?