Sunday 11 March 2012

Jowl flapping...

You'll no doubt remember Cardinal Keith O'Brien's homophobic outburst last Sunday opposing same sex marriage. Today saw a further development in the fantastical bile being spouted by religious groups in opposition to same sex marriages.

A letter by Archbishop Vincent Nichols (the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales) and Archbishop Peter Smith (the Archbishop of Southwark) was this morning read out in 2,500 churches. The letter calls on people to oppose this proposed change in legislation.

On their website, The Catholic Church in England and Wales have launched a petition for people to sign called the Coalition for Marriage. The introduction to this petition emphasises the profound consequences should this legislation succeed:
If marriage is redefined, those who believe in traditional marriage will be sidelined. People's careers could be harmed, couples seeking to adopt or foster could be excluded, and schools would inevitably have to teach the new definition to children. If marriage is redefined once, what is to stop it being redefined to allow polygamy?
This rhetoric is reminiscent of those sandwich board warnings you hear of announcing that the end of the world is nigh.

I like Stonewall Chief Executive, Ben Summerskill's response to this religious jowl flapping:
"If Roman Catholics don’t approve of same-sex marriage, they should make sure they don’t get married to someone of the same sex.”
Indeed, no-one will be forced to marry anyone and no church will be compelled to offer gay marriages. It's a bit like the reasoning used against Mary Whitehouse and her National Viewers and Listeners campaigns of the 60s and 70s to clean up TV; no one is forcing you to watch - if you don't like it you can switch it off.
Today's run at 17:09
Distance4.38 kmTime24:10
Pace5:31 min/kmCadence80 spm
Comments: Sunny and warm.

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