Saturday 7 January 2012


Every once in a while I like to re-read the tweets that I've favourited (is that a word?) over the last few months. I blogged about laughing at my favourite tweets in September and since then I seem to have accumulated quite a store.

There are some seriously funny (and other oxymoronic descriptions of) tweeps in the twitterverse. Re-reading their gems always reduces me to tears of laughter. This morning was another one of those occasions. Here's the cream of the crop:
I was seeing this guy and it was going really well until he closed his curtains.

So sex between 3 people is called a threesome and sex between 2 people is called a twosome... Now I know why everyone calls you handsome.

I just met a woman who uses bathroom cleaner to wash her dog's hair. Flash bitch.

If anyone likes the smell of hamster cages and shit then I thoroughly recommend shopping at Morrisons

What do you get if you cross the Queen and Prince Phillip? Killed in a tunnel.

"The Iron Lady" - the new film about Margaret Thatcher has a '15' rating. It's unsuitable for miners.

Was at the gym yesterday & noticed a hole in my trainer big enough to get my finger in. Well she made a complaint now I'm barred for life!

I pulled a guy with eczema last night. Cracking arse!

Texting is basically just Twitter for people who have friends.
All this and much more, available on a smart phone near you. Now.
Today's run at 08:24
Distance4.02 kmTime22:30
Pace5:36 min/kmCadence82 spm
Comments: Fresh, clear.