It followed me round like a bad smell. At least I imagined being able to smell it. And not every now and then but constantly throughout the rest of the run, despite wildly kicking my legs through the long damp grass in an effort to clean my trainers.
Isn't it lucky to step in dog shit? Or is it lucky when a bird shits on you? I forget. Anyway, I didn't feel very lucky. Were I superstitious, I'd say, "I don't think I'm over the bout of bad luck caused by the last mirror I broke, without adding to my woes through this one." But I'm not superstitious, so I'll shut up.

Tonight, I got out my hammer action drill (not a euphemism) and I fixed the cabinet to the bathroom wall. After much measuring, a fair bit of vibration and a lot of dust; it looks good, it feels solid and it seems level. More than I could have hoped for, really. I also managed to replace two halogen spotlights with two LED spotlights (green tick in the box) and I got the clock on the microwave working again. If I carry on like this, I'll have built an extension by Thursday.
As for luck, I've yet to be convinced that such a thing exists - despite the dog shit incident. I believe in coincidence, happenstance, serendipity even but not luck. The only effect of me breaking my bathroom cabinet mirror door is that I've been without a mirror door on my bathroom cabinet since I broke it. And for the record, the fates had nothing to do with my treading in dog shit tonight either. That was all down to a diverted focus. Dame Fortune and Lady Luck are best left to romantic fiction and pop songs.
Take it away, Ms Lovich.
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