And why wasn't I out there running with them? Well it's never really appealed. I love running but I think I prefer doing it on my own because it de-stresses me. I enjoy getting lost in my thoughts. I don't think the Cardiff Half Marathon would have the same effect; I'd get a headache from all that awful dayglo lycra.
I went for a swim at lunchtime and Cardiff International Pool was empty and serene (well, the International Pool was); only two other swimmers and all the noisy kids were contained in the leisure pool area next door. It was so wonderful to swim in the calm coolness of an empty 50m pool. I love it when it's empty like today. My only complaint was the woman who must have doused herself in cheap perfume before getting in the water; I could taste her Charlie in the water!
On my way back, I called in at the supermarket and bought some umami paste. Yes, you heard me right; umami! Umami is Japanese for delicious savoury taste. It is the fifth taste after sweetness, sourness, saltiness and bitterness. It was identified in 1908 by Kikunae Ikeda. Foods rich in umami include: fish, shellfish, cured meats, mushrooms, ripe tomatoes, spinach, green tea, cheese, shrimp pastes and soy sauce. It's a taste that is unpalatable by itself but has salivating inducing properties when used with other foods.
What I didn't know is that you can buy umami in paste form; delicious savoury taste in handy squirty tubes to add to your cooking to give it that depth of flavour. It's probably a rip off but it did taste nice in my spicy tomato sauce tonight.
And all in the best possible taste...
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