There it was! The Dictionary of Names. I seized the book and flicked through the pages desperately looking for the entry, Duncan. My fingers wouldn't fly fast enough as they flicked at the page corners. By this point, I think I must have been panting in ecstasy. I was full of anticipation and fit to burst. At last...!
Surely to God, life couldn't be this cruel? My entire world was falling in. I choked back sobs and tears filled my eyes as I read the entry.
Duncan: /'dəŋkən/ male given name and surname; originally Irish Gaelic Donnchadh - Brown Warrior.Brown Warrior? Brown Warrior!! I was mortified! To me it may as well have translated as Shirt Lifter or Arse Bandit; in my head it sounded the same. It took me years to forgive my mother for dreaming up such a spiteful name for me.
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