However, because of the pain in my back I have a constant urge to press the afflicted spot hard into a door knob and to deeply knead the area. I could feel it throughout tonight's run. I think I did it whilst doing some sit ups a couple of days ago. Every morning, whilst my porridge cooks, I try to run through some simple exercises such as sit ups, push ups, lunges etc to build core strength. I felt a slight twang mid sit up a couple of days ago and I think it stems from that. I should probably visit the physio and see what she has to say.

I have run with my arm in bandages after surgery in 2008 to resolve my Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. The bandages were quite voluminous and when they were removed I thought them a bit overkill, given the size of the incision on my hand. I have run with my arm in plaster when I went over the handlebards of my bike in 2009 and broke the Scaphoid bone in my wrist. I have run with my knee strapped up whilst having physio in 2010 for Chondromalacia Patellae (itself related to the broken ankle and the compensations I continued to make).
I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a punctured lung stand in my way!
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