Wednesday 29 June 2011

A running focus...

So what do I think about when I run? Well, tonight I started with counting, which is what I normally do. It's not a conscious thing but I've noticed that I count for the first 160 or so steps. I think it's a zoning out exercise that I've subconsciously developed. It's a bit like going under with the hypnotist, "3, 2, 1 and you're gone...."

That done I then moved on to thinking about work: re-running some of the conversations I'd had during the day; had I given the best response and had I given that response in the best way? I chewed this over for the first kilometer as my muscles began to warm and my breathing found its own rhythm.

I then moved on to thinking about a hospital appointment I'd attended during the afternoon today. As a diabetic, I have regular check ups and today's was my 6 monthly visit to the ophthalmologist. This appointment always generates some anxiety in me as I have a fear of losing my sight (Who wouldn't?) and a loathing of their laser treatment. I've only had laser treatment once before and, I swear, you can smell burning flesh after they've zapped your rods and cones!

I get a little nervous days in advance of this appointment. The appointment begins with eye drops to dilate the pupils. These drops are the modern synthetic equivalent of belladonna. Belladonna was used cosmetically in the Middle Ages to dilate women's pupils so that they looked more doe-eyed and lovelorn - hence belladonna meaning beautiful lady. Today, its equivalent is used to dilate diabetic patients' pupils so that it's easier to inspect the retina at the back of the eye for damage. Thankfully, on inspection, my retinas are stable and laser treatment was not required today. A sense of relief bordering on air-punching celebration began to permeate every stride and any fatigue seemed banished as I settled into the run.

One of the side effects of these eye drops is an inability to focus and a hypersensitivity to bright light. Today was a beautifully sunny day and this evening saw the brilliant sunshine throw long shadows in my wake. Consequently, I spent most of the first 3km of my run wincing and squinting as my vision was reduced to that of a small burrowing mammal.

But as the run progressed, mole became owl, my vision re-adjusted and my thoughts turned to food. By the 4km point in my run my thoughts had segued solely into food and what dinner preparations I needed to make.

And so, the bridge was constructed and I'd crossed it:
  •  Pearl Barley
  • Carrots
  • Fine Beans
  • Courgettes
  • Peas
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Red Onion
  • Chickpeas
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Feta Cheese
  • Spinach
  • Boiled Eggs
  • Olive Oil
  • Bread
  • Seasoning
Cook what you need to cook of the above ingredients. Combine with those that you don't need to cook. Serve.

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